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You're Now Registered For This FREE "Great Awakening Meditation & Visualization" Series: 

You are registered and ready to go for this life-changing and FREE Great Awakening Daily Meditation & Visualization hosted by Jennifer McLean.

WATCH YOUR EMAIL from ( for access details.

This important event will run for 20 - 30 minutes each day at 11am Pacific/California time (12pm Mountain, 1pm Central, 2 Pm Eastern/New York time, 7pm London Uk time) simulcasted on both Facebook live video AND through audio... all access info is found in your FREE Listening Salon.

Now, on this page is your opportunity to own this amazing series and all sessions online indefinitely or download as Mp3 audio AND transcriptions. With this upgrade you can access these deeply healing meditations and visualizations again and again, layering in the profound tranformation. 

I promise you will want these audios on your devices and you will want to print the transcripts to access these at your leisure. While the free version (that you are registered for) will be expiring, by owning they won't ever expire... 

so, it's yours FREE now, but you can upgrade to own and download it below -- NOTE, this is totally optional). 

Just 4 sessions will more than pay for the dozens of meditations you will be receiving.

[Or Scroll Further To the Red Button Below Say "No" & Access Your FREE Listening Salon Right Now]

Your Order Form

21 DAYS: Each Day Experience Healing Journeys or Attunements, or Spontaneous Tranformation Sessions & MORE...
For 21 Days, each day, you will access a powerful set of (already recorded); healing journeys, Spontaneous Transformation Sessions, attunements, sound vibration healings, and any other Energy Medicine tools that show up to support a new way of turning on the good genes turning off the "bad ones, resetting and switching on the hormones, creating new neural pathways, and changing the habitual beliefs that have made it difficult to shed the excess weight.
RESET: Shift The Neural Physiology & Heal the Part of The Brain Influencing Cravings, Satiation, and Fat Release  
The intention of this program is to focus on many aspects of the neural physiology of the brain. That also means addressing the deep seated unconscious beliefs, and turning back on the endocrine system the hormones, that enables a releases of the hormones in the fat (that keep it holding on). AND ensuring the neural chemistry is working better. Plus we'll be creating new weight set points and create vibrational support for release.
EXPERIMENT: Join a Powerful Experiment to Heal the Underlying Causes of Holding Weight
You're invited on a potent and sacred 21-Day  journey to dive in to deep cleansing, healing, and emotional clearing, shifting the mind into a new way of experiencing weight release. There are a lot of mechanics out there for releasing excess weight, but not a lot focused on resetting the set point through releasing old beliefs & emotions and shifting the frequencies which is her specialty... PLUS join in at a huge discount for this grand experiment.


The GREAT AWAKENING Daily Meditation & Visualizations  [Downloads, Transcripts & Videos]... 
The value in this amazing  21 Day series is at...

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Your "Experiment" Investment Is: 
[PayPal Users: Scroll Down & Click The PayPal Button BELOW]

ONLY $67 ONE-TIME OFFER: Receive my weight release remote healing transmissions EACH DAY, from the moment you register for 45 Days: The minute you register until the end of the program and beyond (for 45 Days), you will have ME in your corner, performing my Spontaneous Transformation prayer healings and remote frequencies, to support your weight release and health journey. You’ll receive this remotely as I hold you personally in your light, supporting you with neural physiology resetting transformational frequencies EVERY SINGLE DAY. And YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING! You DON'T have to attend anything. You DON'T even have to think about it. I will be doing this sacred healing on you each day remotely, in the background, as you go about your day. I can take over, so you can let go to me the frustrations and confusion. I will be there supporting, healing, transforming and activating the best version of you. And layering the Spontaneous Transformation healing frequencies over and over, building strength and power in your mental, emotional and physical bodies. This is a ONE-TIME-ONLY pricing on this page now, click the radial button to add to your order. If you don’t add this now it will be more later. [**PAYPAL USERS** Scroll down and Click PayPal button to add this to your order]

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Order Summary
Once you purchase you will immediately be directed to a confirmation page that will link to your Listening Watching & Download Salon. You will also be sent a series of confirmation emails including one with your receipt, and another with your access information, then support emails to help you through the program. Stay subscribed to receive the insights and bonuses. Your purchase will be available indefinitely but we recommend downloading all your files for personal access.
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NOTE: Your bill will reflect a purchase from McLean Masterworks 
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  21-Day - Neural Physiology Reset For Weight Release Includes
  • 21 Days of Daily Resetting the Neural Physiology of Weight Release : Each day, for 21 Straight days, you will be set on one intention; of shifting the physiological and emotional landscape for shedding excess weight. **ALREADY RECORDED AND WAITING FOR YOU.** Go at your pace or follow along daily for 21 days.
  • ​Layering In the Transformation: Neural science has proven that we are creating new habits within 21 days... and you will now leverage vibrational medicine to accelerate and lock in new your habits of thinking and feeling.
  •  **3 BONUS SESSIONS**: Amazing medical intuitive Keri Fulmore will join in for 2 special bonus sessions offering insights on the actual neural physiology that we will open the energy healing during the 21. AND a HUGE 3rd bonus is sound vibration with Jennifer... it's a resetting through sound concert, and it alone would be worth the whole course.
  • ​POWERFUL EXTENDED **HEAL-A-THON** for Weight Release: After the 21 Days is complete you will have access to an extended 3-hour event (already recorded). Powerful quetions reveal even more amazing insights and answer. This puts the exclamation mark of tranformation on this amazing program.
  • ​Spontaneous Transformation Technique: You will experience the remarkable Spontaneous Tranformation Technique to assist you in going to the core of past trauma that is contributing to holding the weight and unwind and release it.
  • ​Shamanic Healing Journeys: Jennifer's healing journeys are renowned for create deep and profound shifts and opening new neural pathways of being... get ready to discover a whole new you through these journeys
  • ​Receive Special "Attunements:" Jennifer is famous for these and how powerfully they work... it's like magic. These are like a Reiki Attunement, in that it acts like an energetic key activating and awakening your dormant energies waiting to reset your metabolism.
  • ​Experience Deeply Healing ​Sound Vibration: Jennifer is a renowned sound vibration healer. As you heal through the many interactions of this course, you will also grow stronger as the new patterns are strengthened through sound healing.
  • Mp3 Downloads of all audio session: as soon as the sessions are recorded you will receive access to Mp3 audio downloads in your Listening Salon.
  • ​Recorded on Audio: each session was recorded in a special audio session and now available on your Listening Salon for indefinite playing and downloads.
  • ​Downloadable ​Transcripts: to enhance your experience of this course's downloadable transcripts are waiting for you, delivering an enhanced experience of this material using new learning muscles to take in the transformation.
15 Day Money Back Guarantee
Privacy Guaranteed
100% Secure Information
By clicking this "Complete My Order" button above you are also agreeing to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. NOTE: Your bill will reflect a purchase from McLean Masterworks a cosmic Media LLC partner.
Once you purchase you will immediately be directed to a confirmation page that will link to your Listening Watching & Download Salon. You will also be sent a series of confirmation emails including one with your receipt, and another with your access information, then support emails to help you through the program. Stay subscribed to receive the insights and bonuses. Your purchase will be available indefinitely but we recommend downloading all your files for personal access.
 Jennifer McLean is not just enormously likable, but unusual, a visionary, and a born and gifted teacher. A pioneer in spiritual healing, she now has become an elegant articulate master, a wise woman, a metaphysician. Her works have changed me – I was in a doorway – and they led me through it. It’s a brilliant place of new understanding, new wisdom, new ways of being in the world. I feel lighter, more intelligent, kinder, healthier in mind and body. Her sessions build on each other; they progress -- and so do you. Where once there were glimpses, now doors open wide to reveal new ways of being and operating in the world. Wounds heal, old hurts arise and fly away; vague ideas become clear, we become new, and life noticeably improves. With this new lightness of being is more love, humor, silliness; everything is more enjoyable. I found myself looking forward to my daily attunement and now that I’ve finished, I’ve started to listen to them again for what the new me can hear that the old me might have missed."

~ Melynda

About Healer Jennifer McLean

Jennifer McLean is an internationally acclaimed Healer, Author, Speaker, Edge Pusher, and Transformational Change Agent. She is the creator of the renowned healing accelerant: “The Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT),” that delivers instant transformation and healing.

For more than two decades, this innovative healing modality has helped tens of thousands of individuals shift held energy in the body. Individuals have been able to liberate themselves from old hurts, and patterns of obstacles that lead to disease and upset, and create new neural pathways and patterns of Quantum Wholeness. With almost 1000 STT Practitioners in this unique system, it is quickly becoming a “go to” for creating real change in extreme times. 

Jennifer has appeared on FOX, ABC, CBS, and online summits and is covered in renowned media publications. STT and other healing philosophies are covered in her 5 best selling books and dozens of online healing programs.
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4533 MacArthur Blvd #245, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Customer Support: 847-386-1464 I
Medical Disclaimer

The information provided through McLean Masterwork Inc is not offered as medical advice and should not be considered medical advice. Nothing contained on this page or during this offered material is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare professional regarding any mental or physical health condition or treatment.